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Saturday 26 March 2011

Travel to Bhutan Himalayas

Travel to Bhutan Himalayas
150-km From Siliguri To Phuntsholing, Bhutan Border
March To August

Bhutan often reversed as the 'Land of the peaceful Dragon' is still regarded as one of the last "Shangri-La" in the Himalayan region because of its remoteness, it's spectacular mountain terrain, varied flora and fauna and it's unique ancient Buddhist monasteries. It is relatively unexplored pockets of Asia, which allows only limited number of discerning travelers to enter the country with special travel visa permits.

Bhutan's isolation has resulted its culture and traditions remaining much the same for many hundreds of years. Our weekly departure allows you to experience the stunning beautiful alpine valley flanked by step slopes and terraced pastures dotted with temple.

Festival (Tsechus ) are held in Bhutan through out the year at difffrent locations. These festivals are celebrations of faith, legends, mythsand history of Bhutan in ancient rituals of colorful dance and music. To coincide a visit to Bhutan during the festive season will be even better way to observe the uniqude culture.

Bhutan : ( Druk yul )

The Capital City of Bhutan ThimphuPopulation : 6,00,000 ( 1995 )

Capital : Thimpu

Location : Bhutan lies between 89o and 92o E and 27o and 28o N.

Time : 30 minutes ahead of Indian Standard time.

Language : Dzongkha

People : There are two main population groups in Bhutan: the Dukpa ( 67 % ) of Tibetan and Monpa origin and Lhotsampa ( 30 % of Nepalese origin ). The rest 3% comprise of indigenous tribal groups such as Toktop, Doya and Lepcha of SW Bhutan.

Religion : Drukpa Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism is the state religion but also Nyingma school is also well represented in the central and eastern districts.

Climate : The monsoon starts in mid June and lasts untill end of September. The climate within the mountain varies greatly according to precipitations and wind conditions. In the Duars Plain and upto 1500m. The climate is sub-tropical with high humidity and heavy rain fall. The climate of mid- mountain belt varies, such that low- lying parts of Punakha, Mongar, Tashigang, and Lhuntse have cool winter and hot summer, where as the higher valleys of Ha, Paro, Thimpu, Tongsa and Bhumthang ranging from 3,000 - 4,000m endure a temperate climate with cold snowy winter and some - what cooler summers.

Clothing : Cotton and light woolen in summer ( June - Sept ). Heavy wollens and jackets the rest of the year. Take an umbrella and comfortable shoes for the monsoon.

Economy : In 1995, the per capita income was estimated as US 500 with the annual growth at 5%. Although these figures places Bhutan among the least developed nations, the country is unlike others within that category as no faine, little malnutrition, food housing, exists. Over 91% of the population depends on agriculture and livestock rearing which together account for some 50% of GDP, despite the fact that only 2% of the land is arable.

Money : The National currency is Ngultrum ( Nu ) 100 Chetrum = 1 Nu. Exchange rate is approximately US $ 1 - Nu 35. Indian ruees circulate at par.

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